Version history#

0.3.1 (Unreleased)#

Under construction.

0.3.0 (29 Jan 2023)#


  • (CHANGED) device_idx parameters are gone; now high level functions take BoundDevice or BoundMultiDevice arguments to indicate which devices to use; these objects include the corresponding contexts as well, so they don’t have to be passed separately.

  • Now API adapters only use device indices in a sense of “device index in the platform”; context adapters keep internal objects in dictionaries indexed by these indices, instead of in lists.

  • py.test plugin extracted into a separate package (pytest-grunnur).

0.2.0 (10 Mar 2021)#


  • Arrays don’t hold queues any more; they are passed explicitly to get() or set().

  • Prepared kernels don’t hold queues any more; they are passed on call.

  • Queue now stands for a single-device queue only; multi-device queues are extracted into MultiQueue.


  • MultiArray to simplify simultaneous kernel execution on multiple devices.

0.1.1 (9 Oct 2020)#

Package build fixed.

0.1.0 (9 Oct 2020)#

Initial version