Source code for grunnur.array

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import (

import numpy
from numpy.typing import DTypeLike

from .array_metadata import ArrayMetadata, ArrayMetadataLike
from .context import Context, BoundDevice, BoundMultiDevice
from .device import Device
from .queue import Queue, MultiQueue
from .buffer import Buffer
from .utils import min_blocks

[docs]class Array: """ Array on a single device. """ device: BoundDevice """Device this array is allocated on.""" shape: Tuple[int, ...] """Array shape.""" dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]" """Array item data type.""" strides: Tuple[int, ...] """Array strides."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_host( cls, queue_or_device: Union[Queue, BoundDevice], host_arr: "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", ) -> "Array": """ Creates an array object from a host array. :param queue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param host_arr: the source array. """ if isinstance(queue_or_device, BoundDevice): queue = Queue(queue_or_device) else: queue = queue_or_device array = cls.empty(queue.device, host_arr.shape, host_arr.dtype) array.set(queue, host_arr) return array
[docs] @classmethod def empty( cls, device: BoundDevice, shape: Sequence[int], dtype: DTypeLike, strides: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, first_element_offset: int = 0, allocator: Optional[Callable[[BoundDevice, int], Buffer]] = None, ) -> "Array": """ Creates an empty array. :param device: device on which this array will be allocated. :param shape: array shape. :param dtype: array data type. :param allocator: an optional callable taking two arguments (the bound device, and the buffer size in bytes) and returning a :py:class:`Buffer` object. If ``None``, will use :py:meth:`Buffer.allocate`. """ metadata = ArrayMetadata( shape, dtype, strides=strides, first_element_offset=first_element_offset ) size = metadata.buffer_size if allocator is None: allocator = Buffer.allocate data = allocator(device, size) return cls(metadata, data)
def __init__(self, array_metadata: ArrayMetadata, data: Buffer): self._metadata = array_metadata self.device = data.device self.shape = self._metadata.shape self.dtype = self._metadata.dtype self.strides = self._metadata.strides self.first_element_offset = self._metadata.first_element_offset self.buffer_size = self._metadata.buffer_size if data.size < self.buffer_size: raise ValueError( "Provided data buffer is not big enough to hold the array " "(minimum required {self.buffer_size})" ) = data def _view(self, slices: Union[slice, Tuple[slice, ...]]) -> "Array": new_metadata = self._metadata[slices] origin, size, new_metadata = new_metadata.minimal_subregion() data =, size) return Array(new_metadata, data)
[docs] def set( self, queue: Queue, array: Union["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", "Array"], no_async: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Copies the contents of the host array to the array. :param queue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param array: the source array. :param no_async: if `True`, the transfer blocks until completion. """ array_data: Union["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", Buffer] if isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray): array_data = array elif isinstance(array, Array): if not array._metadata.contiguous: raise ValueError("Setting from a non-contiguous device array is not supported") array_data = else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot set from an object of type {type(array)}") if self.shape != array.shape: raise ValueError(f"Shape mismatch: expected {self.shape}, got {array.shape}") if self.dtype != array.dtype: raise ValueError(f"Dtype mismatch: expected {self.dtype}, got {array.dtype}"), array_data, no_async=no_async)
[docs] def get( self, queue: Queue, dest: Optional["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]"] = None, async_: bool = False, ) -> "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]": """ Copies the contents of the array to the host array and returns it. :param queue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param dest: the destination array. If ``None``, the target array is created. :param async_: if `True`, the transfer is performed asynchronously. """ if dest is None: dest = numpy.empty(self.shape, self.dtype), dest, async_=async_) return dest
[docs] def __getitem__(self, slices: Union[slice, Tuple[slice, ...]]) -> "Array": """ Returns a view of this array. """ return self._view(slices)
[docs]@runtime_checkable class ArrayLike(ArrayMetadataLike, Protocol): """ A protocol for an array-like object supporting views via ``__getitem__()``. :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`Array` follow this protocol. """
[docs] def __getitem__( self: "_ArrayLike", slices: Union[slice, Tuple[slice, ...]] ) -> "_ArrayLike": # pragma: no cover """ Returns a view of this array. """ ...
_ArrayLike = TypeVar("_ArrayLike", bound=ArrayLike) """Any type that follows the :py:class:`ArrayLike` protocol."""
[docs]class BaseSplay(ABC): """ Base class for splay strategies for :py:class:`~grunnur.MultiArray`. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__( self, arr: _ArrayLike, devices: Sequence[BoundDevice] ) -> Dict[BoundDevice, _ArrayLike]: """ Creates a dictionary of views of an array-like object for each of the given devices. :param arr: an array-like object. :param devices: a multi-device object. """ pass
class EqualSplay(BaseSplay): """ Splays the given array equally between the devices using the outermost dimension. The outermost dimension should be larger or equal to the number of devices. """ def __call__( self, arr: _ArrayLike, devices: Sequence[BoundDevice] ) -> Dict[BoundDevice, _ArrayLike]: parts = len(devices) outer_dim = arr.shape[0] assert parts <= outer_dim chunk_size = min_blocks(outer_dim, parts) rem = outer_dim % parts subarrays = {} ptr = 0 for part, device in enumerate(devices): l = chunk_size if rem == 0 or part < rem else chunk_size - 1 subarrays[device] = arr[ptr : ptr + l] ptr += l return subarrays class CloneSplay(BaseSplay): """ Copies the given array to each device. """ def __call__( self, arr: _ArrayLike, devices: Sequence[BoundDevice] ) -> Dict[BoundDevice, _ArrayLike]: return {device: arr for device in devices}
[docs]class MultiArray: """ An array on multiple devices. """ devices: BoundMultiDevice """Devices on which the sub-arrays are allocated""" shape: Tuple[int, ...] """Array shape.""" dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]" """Array item data type.""" shapes: Dict[BoundDevice, Tuple[int, ...]] """Sub-array shapes matched to device indices.""" subarrays: Dict[BoundDevice, Array] EqualSplay = EqualSplay CloneSplay = CloneSplay
[docs] @classmethod def from_host( cls, mqueue: MultiQueue, host_arr: "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", splay: Optional[BaseSplay] = None, ) -> "MultiArray": """ Creates an array object from a host array. :param mqueue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param host_arr: the source array. :param splay: the splay strategy (if ``None``, an :py:class:`EqualSplay` object is used). """ if splay is None: splay = EqualSplay() assert isinstance(host_arr, ArrayMetadataLike) host_subarrays = splay(host_arr, list(mqueue.queues)) subarrays = { device: Array.from_host(mqueue.queues[device], host_subarrays[device]) for device in mqueue.devices } return cls(mqueue.devices, ArrayMetadata(host_arr.shape, host_arr.dtype), subarrays, splay)
[docs] @classmethod def empty( cls, devices: BoundMultiDevice, shape: Sequence[int], dtype: DTypeLike, allocator: Optional[Callable[[BoundDevice, int], Buffer]] = None, splay: Optional[BaseSplay] = None, ) -> "MultiArray": """ Creates an empty array. :param devices: devices on which the sub-arrays will be allocated. :param shape: array shape. :param dtype: array data type. :param allocator: an optional callable taking two integer arguments (the device to allocate it on and the buffer size in bytes) and returning a :py:class:`Buffer` object. If ``None``, will use :py:meth:`Buffer.allocate`. :param splay: the splay strategy (if ``None``, an :py:class:`EqualSplay` object is used). """ if splay is None: splay = EqualSplay() metadata = ArrayMetadata(shape, dtype) submetadatas = splay(metadata, devices) subarrays = { device: Array.empty(device, submetadata.shape, submetadata.dtype, allocator=allocator) for device, submetadata in submetadatas.items() } return cls(devices, metadata, subarrays, splay)
def __init__( self, devices: BoundMultiDevice, metadata: ArrayMetadata, subarrays: Mapping[BoundDevice, Array], splay: BaseSplay, ): self.devices = devices self.shape = metadata.shape self.dtype = metadata.dtype self.subarrays = dict(subarrays) self.shapes = {device: subarray.shape for device, subarray in self.subarrays.items()} self._splay = splay
[docs] def get( self, mqueue: MultiQueue, dest: Optional["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]"] = None, async_: bool = False, ) -> "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]": """ Copies the contents of the array to the host array and returns it. :param mqueue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param dest: the destination array. If ``None``, the target array is created. :param async_: if `True`, the transfer is performed asynchronously. """ if dest is None: dest = numpy.empty(self.shape, self.dtype) assert isinstance(dest, ArrayLike) dest_subarrays = self._splay(dest, list(self.subarrays)) for device, subarray in self.subarrays.items(): subarray.get(mqueue.queues[device], dest_subarrays[device], async_=async_) return dest
[docs] def set( self, mqueue: MultiQueue, array: Union["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", "MultiArray"], no_async: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Copies the contents of the host array to the array. :param mqueue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param array: the source array. :param no_async: if `True`, the transfer blocks until completion. """ subarrays: Mapping[BoundDevice, Union[Array, "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]"]] if isinstance(array, numpy.ndarray): assert isinstance(array, ArrayLike) subarrays = self._splay(array, self.devices) else: subarrays = array.subarrays if self.subarrays.keys() != subarrays.keys(): raise ValueError("Mismatched device sets in the source and the destination") for device in self.subarrays: self.subarrays[device].set(mqueue.queues[device], subarrays[device], no_async=no_async)