Source code for grunnur.buffer

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Union, Optional

import numpy

from .adapter_base import BufferAdapter
from .context import BoundDevice
from .queue import Queue

[docs]class Buffer: """ A memory buffer on device. """ device: BoundDevice """Device on which this buffer is allocated."""
[docs] @classmethod def allocate(cls, device: BoundDevice, size: int) -> "Buffer": """ Allocate a buffer of ``size`` bytes. :param device: the device on which this buffer will be allocated. :param size: the buffer's size in bytes. """ buffer_adapter = device.context._context_adapter.allocate(device._device_adapter, size) return cls(device, buffer_adapter)
def __init__(self, device: BoundDevice, buffer_adapter: BufferAdapter): self.device = device self._buffer_adapter = buffer_adapter @property def kernel_arg(self) -> Any: # Has to be a property since buffer_adapter can be externally updated # (e.g. if it's a virtual buffer) return self._buffer_adapter.kernel_arg @property def offset(self) -> int: """ Offset of this buffer (in bytes) from the beginning of the physical allocation it resides in. """ return self._buffer_adapter.offset @property def size(self) -> int: """ This buffer's size (in bytes). """ return self._buffer_adapter.size
[docs] def set( self, queue: Queue, buf: Union["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", "Buffer"], no_async: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Copy the contents of the host array or another buffer to this buffer. :param queue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param buf: the source - ``numpy`` array or a :py:class:`Buffer` object. :param no_async: if `True`, the transfer blocks until completion. """ if queue.device != self.device: raise ValueError( f"Mismatched devices: queue on device {queue.device}, " f"buffer on device {self.device}" ) buf_adapter: Union["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", BufferAdapter] if isinstance(buf, numpy.ndarray): buf_adapter = numpy.ascontiguousarray(buf) elif isinstance(buf, Buffer): buf_adapter = buf._buffer_adapter else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot set from an object of type {type(buf)}") self._buffer_adapter.set(queue._queue_adapter, buf_adapter, no_async=no_async)
[docs] def get( self, queue: Queue, host_array: "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", async_: bool = False ) -> None: """ Copy the contents of the buffer to the host array. :param queue: the queue to use for the transfer. :param host_array: the destination array. :param async_: if `True`, the transfer is performed asynchronously. """ if queue.device != self.device: raise ValueError( f"Mismatched devices: queue on device {queue.device}, " f"buffer on device {self.device}" ) self._buffer_adapter.get(queue._queue_adapter, host_array, async_=async_)
[docs] def get_sub_region(self, origin: int, size: int) -> "Buffer": """ Return a buffer object describing a subregion of this buffer. :param origin: the offset of the subregion. :param size: the size of the subregion. """ return Buffer(self.device, self._buffer_adapter.get_sub_region(origin, size))