Source code for grunnur.device

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, NamedTuple, Optional, List, Sequence

from .api import API
from .adapter_base import DeviceParameters, DeviceAdapter
from .platform import Platform
from .utils import string_matches_masks

[docs]class DeviceFilter(NamedTuple): """ A set of filters for device discovery. """ include_masks: Optional[List[str]] = None """A list of strings (treated as regexes), one of which must match the device name.""" exclude_masks: Optional[List[str]] = None """A list of strings (treated as regexes), neither of which must match the device name.""" unique_only: bool = False """If ``True``, only return devices with unique names.""" exclude_pure_parallel: bool = False """ If ``True``, exclude devices with :py:attr:`params.max_total_local_size <grunnur.adapter_base.DeviceParameters.max_total_local_size>` equal to 1. """
[docs]class Device: """ A generalized GPGPU device. """ platform: "Platform" """The :py:class:`~grunnur.Platform` object this device belongs to.""" name: str """This device's name."""
[docs] @classmethod def all(cls, platform: "Platform") -> List["Device"]: """ Returns a list of devices available for the given platform. :param platform: the platform to search in. """ return [ Device.from_index(platform, device_idx) for device_idx in range(platform._platform_adapter.device_count) ]
[docs] @classmethod def all_filtered( cls, platform: "Platform", filter: Optional[DeviceFilter] = None, ) -> List["Device"]: """ Returns a list of all devices satisfying the given criteria in the given platform. If ``filter`` is not provided, returns all the devices. """ if filter is None: return cls.all(platform) seen_devices = set() devices = [] for device in cls.all(platform): if not string_matches_masks(, include_masks=filter.include_masks, exclude_masks=filter.exclude_masks ): continue if filter.unique_only and in seen_devices: continue if filter.exclude_pure_parallel and device.params.max_total_local_size == 1: continue seen_devices.add( devices.append(device) return devices
[docs] @classmethod def from_backend_device(cls, obj: Any) -> "Device": """ Wraps a backend device object into a Grunnur device object. """ for api in API.all_available(): if api._api_adapter.isa_backend_device(obj): device_adapter = api._api_adapter.make_device_adapter(obj) return cls(device_adapter) raise TypeError(f"{obj} was not recognized as a device object by any available API")
[docs] @classmethod def from_index(cls, platform: "Platform", device_idx: int) -> "Device": """ Creates a device based on its index in the list returned by the API. :param platform: the API to search in. :param device_idx: the target device's index. """ device_adapter = platform._platform_adapter.get_device_adapters()[device_idx] return cls(device_adapter)
def __init__(self, device_adapter: DeviceAdapter): self.platform = Platform(device_adapter.platform_adapter) self._device_adapter = device_adapter = self.shortcut = f"{self.platform.shortcut},{device_adapter.device_idx}" self._params = None def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: return ( type(self) == type(other) and isinstance(other, Device) and self._device_adapter == other._device_adapter ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((type(self), self._device_adapter)) @property def params(self) -> DeviceParameters: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.adapter_base.DeviceParameters` object associated with this device. """ # Already cached in the adapters return self._device_adapter.params def __str__(self) -> str: return f"device({self.shortcut})"