Source code for grunnur.functions

This module contains :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` factories
which are used to compensate for the lack of complex number operations in OpenCL,
and the lack of C++ synthax which would allow one to write them.

from typing import Optional, Any
from warnings import warn

import numpy

from .template import Template
from . import dtypes
from .modules import Module

TEMPLATE = Template.from_associated_file(__file__)

def check_information_loss(
    out_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]", expected_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]"
) -> None:
    if dtypes.is_complex(expected_dtype) and not dtypes.is_complex(out_dtype):
            "Imaginary part ignored during the downcast from "
            + str(expected_dtype)
            + " to "
            + str(out_dtype),

def derive_out_dtype(
    *in_dtypes: "numpy.dtype[Any]", out_dtype: Optional["numpy.dtype[Any]"] = None
) -> "numpy.dtype[Any]":
    expected_dtype = dtypes.result_type(*in_dtypes)
    if out_dtype is None:
        out_dtype = expected_dtype
        check_information_loss(out_dtype, expected_dtype)
    return out_dtype

[docs]def cast(in_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]", out_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]") -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of one argument that casts values of ``in_dtype`` to ``out_dtype``. """ return Module( TEMPLATE.get_def("cast"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, out_dtype=out_dtype, in_dtype=in_dtype), )
[docs]def add(*in_dtypes: "numpy.dtype[Any]", out_dtype: Optional["numpy.dtype[Any]"] = None) -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of ``len(in_dtypes)`` arguments that adds values of types ``in_dtypes``. If ``out_dtype`` is given, it will be set as a return type for this function. This is necessary since on some platforms complex numbers are based on 2-vectors, and therefore the ``+`` operator for a complex and a real number works in an unexpected way (returning ``(a.x + b, a.y + b)`` instead of ``(a.x + b, a.y)``). """ out_dtype = derive_out_dtype(*in_dtypes, out_dtype=out_dtype) return Module( TEMPLATE.get_def("add_or_mul"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, op="add", out_dtype=out_dtype, in_dtypes=in_dtypes), )
[docs]def mul(*in_dtypes: "numpy.dtype[Any]", out_dtype: Optional["numpy.dtype[Any]"] = None) -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of ``len(in_dtypes)`` arguments that multiplies values of types ``in_dtypes``. If ``out_dtype`` is given, it will be set as a return type for this function. """ out_dtype = derive_out_dtype(*in_dtypes, out_dtype=out_dtype) return Module( TEMPLATE.get_def("add_or_mul"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, op="mul", out_dtype=out_dtype, in_dtypes=in_dtypes), )
[docs]def div( dividend_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]", divisor_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]", out_dtype: Optional["numpy.dtype[Any]"] = None, ) -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of two arguments that divides a value of type ``dividend_dtype`` by a value of type ``divisor_dtype``. If ``out_dtype`` is given, it will be set as a return type for this function. """ out_dtype = derive_out_dtype(dividend_dtype, divisor_dtype, out_dtype=out_dtype) return Module( TEMPLATE.get_def("div"), render_globals=dict( dtypes=dtypes, out_dtype=out_dtype, dividend_dtype=dividend_dtype, divisor_dtype=divisor_dtype, ), )
[docs]def conj(dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]") -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of one argument that conjugates the value of type ``dtype`` (if it is not a complex data type, the value will not be modified). """ return Module(TEMPLATE.get_def("conj"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, dtype=dtype))
[docs]def polar_unit(dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]") -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of one argument that returns a complex number ``exp(i * theta) == (cos(theta), sin(theta))`` for a value ``theta`` of type ``dtype`` (must be a real data type). """ if not dtypes.is_real(dtype): raise ValueError("polar_unit() can only be applied to real dtypes") return Module(TEMPLATE.get_def("polar_unit"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, dtype=dtype))
[docs]def norm(dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]") -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of one argument that returns the 2-norm of the value of type ``dtype`` (product by the complex conjugate if the value is complex, square otherwise). """ return Module(TEMPLATE.get_def("norm"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, dtype=dtype))
[docs]def exp(dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]") -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of one argument that exponentiates the value of type ``dtype`` (must be a real or a complex data type). """ # Supporting this will require an explicit output type specification. if dtypes.is_integer(dtype): raise ValueError(f"exp() of {dtype} is not supported") if dtypes.is_real(dtype): polar_unit_ = None else: polar_unit_ = polar_unit(dtypes.real_for(dtype)) return Module( TEMPLATE.get_def("exp"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, dtype=dtype, polar_unit_=polar_unit_), )
[docs]def pow( base_dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]", exponent_dtype: Optional["numpy.dtype[Any]"] = None, out_dtype: Optional["numpy.dtype[Any]"] = None, ) -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of two arguments that raises the first argument of type ``base_dtype`` to the power of the second argument of type ``exponent_dtype`` (an integer or real data type). If ``exponent_dtype`` or ``out_dtype`` are not given, they default to ``base_dtype``. If ``base_dtype`` is not the same as ``out_dtype``, the input is cast to ``out_dtype`` *before* exponentiation. If ``exponent_dtype`` is real, but both ``base_dtype`` and ``out_dtype`` are integer, a ``ValueError`` is raised. """ if exponent_dtype is None: exponent_dtype = base_dtype if out_dtype is None: out_dtype = base_dtype if dtypes.is_complex(exponent_dtype): raise ValueError("pow() with a complex exponent is not supported") if dtypes.is_real(exponent_dtype): if dtypes.is_complex(out_dtype): exponent_dtype = dtypes.real_for(out_dtype) elif dtypes.is_real(out_dtype): exponent_dtype = out_dtype else: raise ValueError("pow(integer, float): integer is not supported") kwds = dict( dtypes=dtypes, base_dtype=base_dtype, exponent_dtype=exponent_dtype, out_dtype=out_dtype, div_=None, mul_=None, cast_=None, polar_=None, ) if out_dtype != base_dtype: kwds["cast_"] = cast(base_dtype, out_dtype) if dtypes.is_integer(exponent_dtype) and not dtypes.is_real(out_dtype): kwds["mul_"] = mul(out_dtype, out_dtype) kwds["div_"] = div(out_dtype, out_dtype) if dtypes.is_complex(out_dtype): kwds["polar_"] = polar(dtypes.real_for(out_dtype)) return Module(TEMPLATE.get_def("pow"), render_globals=kwds)
[docs]def polar(dtype: "numpy.dtype[Any]") -> Module: """ Returns a :py:class:`~grunnur.Module` with a function of two arguments that returns the complex-valued ``rho * exp(i * theta)`` for values ``rho, theta`` of type ``dtype`` (must be a real data type). """ if not dtypes.is_real(dtype): raise ValueError("polar() of " + str(dtype) + " is not supported") return Module( TEMPLATE.get_def("polar"), render_globals=dict(dtypes=dtypes, dtype=dtype, polar_unit_=polar_unit(dtype)), )