Source code for grunnur.virtual_alloc

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from collections import Counter
from import Iterable as IterableBase
from typing import (
import weakref
from weakref import ReferenceType

import numpy

from .sorted_list import SortedList
from .adapter_base import BufferAdapter, QueueAdapter
from .buffer import Buffer
from .array import Array
from .context import BoundDevice
from .queue import Queue

class VirtualAllocations(Protocol):
    def __virtual_allocations__(self) -> Sequence[Union[Array, Buffer]]:  # pragma: no cover

def extract_dependencies(dependencies: Any) -> Set[int]:
    Recursively extracts allocation identifiers from an iterable or an ``Array`` object.
    if isinstance(dependencies, VirtualBufferAdapter):
        return {dependencies._id}
    if isinstance(dependencies, Buffer):
        return extract_dependencies(dependencies._buffer_adapter)
    if isinstance(dependencies, Array):
        return extract_dependencies(
    if isinstance(dependencies, IterableBase):
        results = set()
        for dep in dependencies:
        return results
    if isinstance(dependencies, VirtualAllocations):
        # a hook for exposing nested virtual allocations in arbitrary classes
        return extract_dependencies(dependencies.__virtual_allocations__)

    return set()

[docs]class VirtualAllocator: """ A helper callable object to use as an allocator for :py:class:`~grunnur.Array` creation. Encapsulates the dependencies (as identifiers, doesn't hold references for actual objects). """ def __init__(self, manager: "VirtualManager", dependencies: Set[int]): self.manager = manager self.dependencies = dependencies def __call__(self, device: BoundDevice, size: int) -> Buffer: # TODO: seems redundant to pass a device here, # but it must mimic the API of ``Buffer.allocate()``. if device != self.manager.device: raise ValueError( f"This allocator is attached to device {self.manager.device}, " f"but was asked to allocate on {device}" ) return self.manager._allocate_virtual(size, self.dependencies)
class VirtualBufferAdapter(BufferAdapter): """ A virtual buffer object. """ def __init__( self, manager: "VirtualManager", size: int, id_: int, buffer_adapter: BufferAdapter ): self._manager = manager self._id = id_ self._size = size self._real_buffer_adapter = buffer_adapter @property def kernel_arg(self) -> Any: return self._real_buffer_adapter.kernel_arg def get_sub_region(self, origin: int, size: int) -> BufferAdapter: # FIXME: how to handle it? raise NotImplementedError("Virtual buffers do not support subregions") def get( self, queue_adapter: QueueAdapter, host_array: "numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", async_: bool = False, ) -> None: return self._real_buffer_adapter.get(queue_adapter, host_array, async_=async_) def set( self, queue_adapter: QueueAdapter, source: Union["numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[Any]]", BufferAdapter], no_async: bool = False, ) -> None: return self._real_buffer_adapter.set(queue_adapter, source, no_async=no_async) @property def offset(self) -> int: return 0 @property def size(self) -> int: return self._size def _set_real_buffer_adapter(self, buf: Buffer) -> None: self._real_buffer_adapter = buf._buffer_adapter
[docs]class VirtualManager(ABC): """ Base class for a manager of virtual allocations. :param context: an instance of :py:class:`~grunnur.Context`. """ def __init__(self, device: BoundDevice): self.device = device self._id_counter = 0 self._virtual_buffers: Dict[int, ReferenceType[VirtualBufferAdapter]] = {}
[docs] def allocator(self, dependencies: Optional[Any] = None) -> VirtualAllocator: """ Create a callable to use for :py:class:`~grunnur.Array` creation. :param dependencies: can be a :py:class:`~grunnur.Array` instance (the ones containing persistent allocations will be ignored), an iterable with valid values, or an object with the attribute ``__virtual_allocations__`` which is a valid value (the last two will be processed recursively). """ dependencies = extract_dependencies(dependencies) return VirtualAllocator(self, dependencies)
def _allocate_virtual(self, size: int, dependencies: Set[int]) -> Buffer: new_id = self._id_counter self._id_counter += 1 if not dependencies.issubset(self._virtual_buffers): missing_deps = dependencies.difference(self._virtual_buffers) missing_deps_str = ", ".join(str(dep) for dep in missing_deps) raise ValueError( f"Some of the declared dependencies (with IDs {missing_deps}) do not exist" ) rbuf = self._allocate_specific(new_id, size, dependencies) vbuf = VirtualBufferAdapter(self, size, new_id, rbuf._buffer_adapter) self._virtual_buffers[new_id] = weakref.ref(vbuf, lambda _: self._free(new_id)) return Buffer(self.device, vbuf) def _update_buffer(self, id_: int) -> None: vbuf = self._virtual_buffers[id_]() assert vbuf is not None buf = self._get_real_buffer(id_) vbuf._set_real_buffer_adapter(buf) def _update_all(self) -> None: for id_ in self._virtual_buffers: self._update_buffer(id_) def _free(self, id_: int) -> None: del self._virtual_buffers[id_] self._free_specific(id_)
[docs] def pack(self, queue: Queue) -> None: """ Packs the real allocations possibly reducing total memory usage. This process can be slow and may synchronize the base queue. """ self._pack_specific(queue) self._update_all()
[docs] def statistics(self) -> "VirtualAllocationStatistics": """ Returns allocation statistics. """ return VirtualAllocationStatistics( self._real_buffers(), # cast() to override inference here - we know that vb() will not return `None` [cast(VirtualBufferAdapter, vb()) for vb in self._virtual_buffers.values()], )
@abstractmethod def _allocate_specific(self, new_id: int, size: int, dependencies: Set[int]) -> Buffer: pass @abstractmethod def _get_real_buffer(self, id_: int) -> Buffer: pass @abstractmethod def _real_buffers(self) -> List[Buffer]: pass @abstractmethod def _free_specific(self, id_: int) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def _pack_specific(self, queue: Queue) -> None: pass
[docs]class VirtualAllocationStatistics: """ Virtual allocation details. """ real_size_total: int """The total size of physical allocations (in bytes).""" real_num: int """The number of physical allocations.""" real_sizes: Dict[int, int] """A dictionary ``size: count`` with the counts for physical allocations of each size.""" virtual_size_total: int """The total size of virtual allocations (in bytes).""" virtual_num: int """The number of virtual allocations.""" virtual_sizes: Dict[int, int] """A dictionary ``size: count`` with the counts for virtual allocations of each size.""" def __init__( self, real_buffers: Iterable[Buffer], virtual_buffers: Iterable[VirtualBufferAdapter] ): real_sizes = [rb.size for rb in real_buffers] virtual_sizes = [vb.size for vb in virtual_buffers] self.real_size_total: int = sum(real_sizes) self.real_num: int = len(real_sizes) self.real_sizes: Dict[int, int] = dict(Counter(real_sizes)) self.virtual_size_total: int = sum(virtual_sizes) self.virtual_num: int = len(virtual_sizes) self.virtual_sizes: Dict[int, int] = dict(Counter(virtual_sizes)) def __str__(self) -> str: real_buffers = ", ".join(f"{num}x{size}b" for size, num in sorted(self.real_sizes.items())) virtual_buffers = ", ".join( f"{num}x{size}b" for size, num in sorted(self.virtual_sizes.items()) ) return ( f"VirtualAllocationStatistics(" f"real: {self.real_num} allocs, " f"total size {self.real_size_total}b, " f"buffers: {real_buffers}; " f"virtual: {self.virtual_num} allocs, " f"total size {self.virtual_size_total}b, " f"buffers: {virtual_buffers})" )
[docs]class TrivialManager(VirtualManager): """ Trivial manager --- allocates a separate buffer for each allocation request. """ def __init__(self, device: BoundDevice): VirtualManager.__init__(self, device) self._rbuffers: Dict[int, Buffer] = {} def _allocate_specific(self, new_id: int, size: int, _dependencies: Set[int]) -> Buffer: buf = Buffer.allocate(self.device, size) self._rbuffers[new_id] = buf return buf def _get_real_buffer(self, id_: int) -> Buffer: return self._rbuffers[id_] def _free_specific(self, id_: int) -> None: del self._rbuffers[id_] def _pack_specific(self, queue: Queue) -> None: pass def _real_buffers(self) -> List[Buffer]: return list(self._rbuffers.values())
[docs]class ZeroOffsetManager(VirtualManager): """ Tries to assign several allocation requests to a single real allocation, if dependencies allow that. All virtual allocations start from the beginning of real allocations. """ class VirtualAllocation(NamedTuple): size: int dependencies: Set[int] class RealAllocation(NamedTuple): buffer: Buffer virtual_ids: Set[int] class RealSize(NamedTuple): size: int real_id: int class VirtualMapping(NamedTuple): real_id: int sub_region: Buffer def __init__(self, device: BoundDevice): VirtualManager.__init__(self, device) self._virtual_allocations: Dict[int, ZeroOffsetManager.VirtualAllocation] = {} self._real_sizes = SortedList[ZeroOffsetManager.RealSize]((), key=lambda x: x.size) self._virtual_to_real: Dict[int, ZeroOffsetManager.VirtualMapping] = {} self._real_allocations: Dict[int, ZeroOffsetManager.RealAllocation] = {} self._real_id_counter = 0 def _allocate_specific(self, new_id: int, size: int, dependencies: Set[int]) -> Buffer: # Dependencies should be bidirectional. # So if some new allocation says it depends on earlier ones, # we need to update their dependency lists. for dep in dependencies: self._virtual_allocations[dep].dependencies.add(new_id) # Save virtual allocation parameters self._virtual_allocations[new_id] = self.VirtualAllocation(size, dependencies) # Find a real allocation using the greedy algorithm. return self._fast_add(new_id, size, dependencies) def _fast_add(self, new_id: int, size: int, dependencies: Set[int]) -> Buffer: """ Greedy algorithm to find a real allocation for a given virtual allocation. """ # Find the smallest real allocation which can hold the requested virtual allocation. try: idx_start = self._real_sizes.argfind_ge(size) except ValueError: idx_start = len(self._real_sizes) # Check all real allocations with suitable sizes, starting from the smallest one. # Use the first real allocation which does not contain ``new_id``'s dependencies. for idx in range(idx_start, len(self._real_sizes)): real_id = self._real_sizes[idx].real_id buf = self._real_allocations[real_id].buffer virtual_ids = self._real_allocations[real_id].virtual_ids if virtual_ids.isdisjoint(dependencies): virtual_ids.add(new_id) break else: # If no suitable real allocation is found, create a new one. buf = Buffer.allocate(self.device, size) real_id = self._real_id_counter self._real_id_counter += 1 self._real_allocations[real_id] = self.RealAllocation(buf, set([new_id])) self._real_sizes.insert(self.RealSize(size, real_id)) # TODO: Here it would be more appropriate to use buffer.get_sub_region(0, size), # but OpenCL does not allow several overlapping subregions to be used in a single kernel # for both read and write, which ruins the whole idea. # So we are passing full buffers and hope that the Array class takes care of sizes. self._virtual_to_real[new_id] = self.VirtualMapping( real_id, self._real_allocations[real_id].buffer ) return buf def _get_real_buffer(self, id_: int) -> Buffer: return self._virtual_to_real[id_].sub_region def _free_specific(self, id_: int) -> None: # Remove the allocation from the dependency lists of its dependencies dependencies = self._virtual_allocations[id_].dependencies for dep in dependencies: self._virtual_allocations[dep].dependencies.remove(id_) vtr = self._virtual_to_real[id_] # Clear virtual allocation data del self._virtual_allocations[id_] del self._virtual_to_real[id_] # Fast and non-optimal free. # Remove the virtual allocation from the real allocation, # and delete the real allocation if its no longer used by other virtual allocations. ra = self._real_allocations[vtr.real_id] ra.virtual_ids.remove(id_) if len(ra.virtual_ids) == 0: del self._real_allocations[vtr.real_id] self._real_sizes.remove(self.RealSize(ra.buffer.size, vtr.real_id)) def _pack_specific(self, queue: Queue) -> None: """ Full memory re-pack. In theory, should find the optimal (with the minimal real allocation size) distribution of virtual allocations. """ # Need to synchronize, because we are going to change allocation addresses, # and we do not want to free the memory some kernel is reading from. queue.synchronize() # Clear all real allocation data. self._real_sizes = SortedList((), key=lambda x: x.size) self._real_allocations = {} self._real_id_counter = 0 va = self._virtual_allocations # Sort all virtual allocations by size virtual_sizes = sorted([(va[id_].size, id_) for id_ in va], key=lambda x: x[0]) # Application of greedy algorithm for virtual allocations starting from the largest one # should give the optimal distribution. for size, id_ in reversed(virtual_sizes): self._fast_add(id_, size, self._virtual_allocations[id_].dependencies) def _real_buffers(self) -> List[Buffer]: return [ra.buffer for ra in self._real_allocations.values()]