Public API

API discovery

In many applications it would be enough to use dynamic module attributes to get an API object:

from grunnur import cuda_api
from grunnur import opencl_api
from grunnur import any_api

For a finer programmatic control one can use the methods of the API class:

class grunnur.API

A generalized GPGPU API.

classmethod all_available()

Returns a list of API objects for which backends are available.

Return type


classmethod all_by_shortcut(shortcut=None)

If shortcut is a string, returns a list of one API object whose id attribute has its shortcut attribute equal to it (or raises an error if it was not found, or its backend is not available).

If shortcut is None, returns a list of all available API objects.


shortcut (Optional[str]) – an API shortcut to match.

Return type


classmethod from_api_id(api_id)

Creates an API object out of an identifier.


api_id (APIID) – API identifier.

Return type


id: grunnur.adapter_base.APIID

This API’s ID.

property platforms

A list of this API’s Platform objects.

shortcut: str

A shortcut for this API (to use in all_by_shortcut(), usually coming from some kind of a CLI). Equal to id.shortcut.

class grunnur.adapter_base.APIID

An ID of an API object.

shortcut: str

This API’s shortcut.


Returns the identifier of CUDA API.

Return type



Returns the identifier of OpenCL API.

Return type



Returns a list of identifiers for all APIs available.

Return type



A platform is an OpenCL term, but we use it for CUDA API as well for the sake of uniformity. Naturally, there will always be a single (dummy) platform in CUDA.

class grunnur.Platform(platform_adapter)

A generalized GPGPU platform.

classmethod all(api)

Returns a list of platforms available for the given API.


api (API) – the API to search in.

Return type


classmethod all_by_masks(api, include_masks=None, exclude_masks=None)

Returns a list of all platforms with names satisfying the given criteria.

  • api (API) – the API to search in.

  • include_masks (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – a list of strings (treated as regexes), one of which must match with the platform name.

  • exclude_masks (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – a list of strings (treated as regexes), neither of which must match with the platform name.

Return type


classmethod from_backend_platform(obj)

Wraps a backend platform object into a Grunnur platform object.

Return type


classmethod from_index(api, platform_idx)

Creates a platform based on its index in the list returned by the API.

  • api (API) – the API to search in.

  • platform_idx (int) – the target platform’s index.

Return type


api: grunnur.api.API

The API object this platform belongs to.

property devices

A list of this device’s Device objects.

name: str

The platform’s name.

vendor: str

The platform’s vendor.

version: str

The platform’s version.


class grunnur.Device

A generalized GPGPU device.

classmethod all(platform)

Returns a list of devices available for the given platform.


platform (Platform) – the platform to search in.

Return type


classmethod all_by_masks(platform, include_masks=None, exclude_masks=None, unique_only=False, include_pure_parallel_devices=False)

Returns a list of all devices satisfying the given criteria.

  • platform (Platform) – the platform to search in.

  • include_masks (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – a list of strings (treated as regexes), one of which must match with the device name.

  • exclude_masks (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – a list of strings (treated as regexes), neither of which must match with the device name.

  • unique_only (bool) – if True, only return devices with unique names.

  • include_pure_parallel_devices (bool) – if True, include devices with params.max_total_local_size equal to 1.

Return type


classmethod from_backend_device(obj)

Wraps a backend device object into a Grunnur device object.

Return type


classmethod from_index(platform, device_idx)

Creates a device based on its index in the list returned by the API.

  • platform (Platform) – the API to search in.

  • device_idx (int) – the target device’s index.

Return type


name: str

This device’s name.

property params

Returns a DeviceParameters object associated with this device.

Return type


platform: grunnur.platform.Platform

The Platform object this device belongs to.

class grunnur.adapter_base.DeviceParameters

An object containing device’s specifications.

abstract property compute_units

The number of multiprocessors (CUDA)/compute units (OpenCL) for the device.

Return type


abstract property local_mem_banks

The number of independent channels for shared (CUDA)/local (OpenCL) memory, which can be used from one warp without request serialization.

Return type


abstract property local_mem_size

The size of shared (CUDA)/local (OpenCL) memory (in bytes).

Return type


abstract property max_local_sizes

The maximum number of threads in one block (CUDA), or work items in one work group (OpenCL) for each of the available dimensions.

Return type

Tuple[int, …]

abstract property max_num_groups

The maximum number of blocks (CUDA)/work groups (OpenCL) for each of the available dimensions.

Return type

Tuple[int, …]

abstract property max_total_local_size

The maximum total number of threads in one block (CUDA), or work items in one work group (OpenCL).

Return type


abstract property type

Device type.

Return type


abstract property warp_size

The number of threads (CUDA)/work items (OpenCL) that are executed synchronously (within one multiprocessor/compute unit).

Return type


class grunnur.adapter_base.DeviceType

An enum representing a device’s type.

CPU = 1

CPU type

GPU = 2

GPU type

Device discovery

grunnur.platforms_and_devices_by_mask(api, quantity=1, platform_include_masks=None, platform_exclude_masks=None, device_include_masks=None, device_exclude_masks=None, unique_devices_only=False, include_pure_parallel_devices=False)

Returns all tuples (platform, list of devices) where the platform name and device names satisfy the given criteria, and there are at least quantity devices in the list.

Return type

List[Tuple[Platform, List[Device]]]

grunnur.select_devices(api, interactive=False, quantity=1, **device_filters)

Using the results from platforms_and_devices_by_mask(), either lets the user select the devices (from the ones matching the criteria) interactively, or takes the first matching list of quantity devices.

Return type



class grunnur.Context

GPGPU context.


CUDA API only: deactivates this context, popping all the CUDA context objects from the stack.

classmethod from_backend_contexts(backend_contexts, take_ownership=False)

Creates a context from a single or several backend device contexts. If take_ownership is True, this object will be responsible for the lifetime of backend context objects (important for CUDA backend).

Return type


classmethod from_backend_devices(backend_devices)

Creates a context from a single or several backend device objects.

Return type


classmethod from_criteria(api, interactive=False, devices_num=1, **device_filters)

Finds devices matching the given criteria and creates a Context object out of them.

Return type


classmethod from_devices(devices)

Creates a context from a device or an iterable of devices.


devices (Union[Device, Iterable[Device]]) – one or several devices to use.

Return type


api: grunnur.api.API

The API this context is based on.

devices: Tuple[grunnur.device.Device]

Devices in this context.

platform: grunnur.platform.Platform

The platform this context is based on.


class grunnur.Queue(context, queue_adapter, device_idxs)

A queue on multiple devices.

classmethod on_device_idxs(context, device_idxs)

Creates a queue from provided device indexes (in the context).

  • context (Context) – the context to create a queue in.

  • device_idxs (Iterable[int]) – the indices of devices (in the context) to use.

Return type



Blocks until sub-queues on all devices are empty.

context: grunnur.context.Context

This queue’s context.

device_idxs: Tuple[int, ]

Device indices (in the context) this queue operates on.

Buffers and arrays

class grunnur.Buffer(context, buffer_adapter)

A memory buffer on device.

classmethod allocate(context, size)

Allocate a buffer of size bytes.

  • context (Context) – the context to use.

  • size (int) – the buffer’s size in bytes.

Return type


get(queue, host_array, async_=False)

Copy the contents of the buffer to the host array.

  • queue (Queue) – the queue to use for the transfer.

  • host_array (ndarray) – the destination array.

  • async – if True, the transfer is performed asynchronously.

get_sub_region(origin, size)

Return a buffer object describing a subregion of this buffer.

  • origin (int) – the offset of the subregion.

  • size (int) – the size of the subregion.

Return type


set(queue, buf, no_async=False)

Copy the contents of the host array or another buffer to this buffer.

  • queue (Queue) – the queue to use for the transfer.

  • buf (Union[ndarray, Buffer]) – the source - numpy array or a Buffer object.

  • no_async (bool) – if True, the transfer blocks until completion.

property offset

Offset of this buffer (in bytes) from the beginning of the physical allocation it resides in.

Return type


property size

This buffer’s size (in bytes).

Return type


class grunnur.Array(queue, array_metadata, data=None, allocator=None)

Array on the device.

classmethod empty(queue, shape, dtype, allocator=None)

Creates an empty array.

  • queue (Queue) – the queue to use for the transfer.

  • shape (Sequence[int]) – array shape.

  • dtype (dtype) – array data type.

  • allocator (Optional[Callable[[int], Buffer]]) – an optional callable returning a Buffer object.

Return type


classmethod from_host(queue, host_arr)

Creates an array object from a host array.

  • queue (Queue) – the queue to use for the transfer.

  • host_arr (ndarray) – the source array.

Return type


get(dest=None, async_=False)

Copy the contents of the array to the host array and return it.

  • dest (Optional[ndarray]) – the destination array. If None, the target array is created.

  • async – if True, the transfer is performed asynchronously.

Return type


set(array, no_async=False)

Copy the contents of the host array to the array.

  • array (Union[ndarray, Array]) – the source array.

  • no_async (bool) – if True, the transfer blocks until completion.


Returns a subscriptable object that produces sub-arrays based on the device device_idx.

Return type


dtype: numpy.dtype

Array item data type.

shape: Tuple[int, ]

Array shape.

strides: Tuple[int, ]

Array strides.

class grunnur.array.SingleDeviceFactory

A subscriptable object that produces sub-arrays based on a single device.


Return a view of the parent array bound to the device this factory was created for (see single_device_view()).

Return type


Programs and kernels

class grunnur.Program(context, template_src, device_idxs=None, no_prelude=False, fast_math=False, render_args=[], render_globals={}, compiler_options=[], keep=False, constant_arrays={})

A compiled program on device(s).

  • context (Context) – context to compile the program on.

  • template_src (Union[str, Callable[…, str], DefTemplate, Snippet]) – a string with the source code, or a Mako template source to render.

  • device_idxs (Optional[Sequence[int]]) – a list of device numbers to compile on. If None, compile on all context’s devices.

  • no_prelude (bool) – do not add prelude to the rendered source.

  • fast_math (bool) – compile using fast (but less accurate) math functions.

  • render_args (Union[List, Tuple]) – a list of positional args to pass to the template.

  • render_globals (Dict) – a dictionary of globals to pass to the template.

  • compiler_options (Iterable[str]) – a list of options to pass to the backend compiler.

  • keep (bool) – keep the intermediate files in a temporary directory.

  • constant_arrays (Mapping[str, Tuple[int, dtype]]) – (CUDA only) a dictionary name: (size, dtype) of global constant arrays to be declared in the program.

set_constant_array(queue, name, arr)

Uploads a constant array to the context’s devices (CUDA only).

  • queue (Queue) – the queue to use for the transfer.

  • name (str) – the name of the constant array symbol in the code.

  • arr (Union[Array, ndarray]) – either a device or a host array.

context: grunnur.context.Context

The context this program was compiled for.

kernel: grunnur.program.KernelHub

An object whose attributes are Kernel objects with the corresponding names.

sources: Dict[int, str]

Source files used for each device.

class grunnur.program.KernelHub(program)

An object providing access to the host program’s kernels.


Returns a Kernel object for a function (CUDA)/kernel (OpenCL) with the name kernel_name.

Return type


class grunnur.program.Kernel(program, sd_kernel_adapters)

A kernel compiled for multiple devices.

__call__(queue, global_size, local_size, *args, **kwds)

A shortcut for Kernel.prepare() and subsequent PreparedKernel.__call__(). See their doc entries for details.

prepare(queue, global_size, local_size)

Prepares the kernel for execution.

  • queue (Queue) – the multi-device queue to use.

  • global_size (Union[int, Sequence[int], MultiDevice[Union[int, Sequence[int]]]]) – the total number of threads (CUDA)/work items (OpenCL) in each dimension (column-major). Note that there may be a maximum size in each dimension as well as the maximum number of dimensions. See DeviceParameters for details.

  • local_size (Union[int, Sequence[int], MultiDevice[Union[int, Sequence[int]]], None]) – the number of threads in a block (CUDA)/work items in a work group (OpenCL) in each dimension (column-major). If None, it will be chosen automatically.

Return type


property max_total_local_sizes

The maximum possible number of threads in a block (CUDA)/work items in a work group (OpenCL) for this kernel.

Return type

Dict[int, int]

class grunnur.program.PreparedKernel(sd_kernel_adapters, queue, device_idxs, global_sizes, local_sizes, hold_reference=None)

A kernel specialized for execution on a given queue with all possible preparations and checks performed.

__call__(*args, device_idxs=None, **kwds)

Enqueues the kernel on the chosen devices.

  • args – kernel arguments. Can be: Array objects, Buffer objects, numpy scalars.

  • device_idxs (Optional[Iterable[int]]) – the devices to enqueue the kernel on (in the context, not in the queue). Must be a subset of the devices of the queue used for preparation. If None, all the queue’s devices are used. Note that the used devices must be among the ones the parent Program was compiled for.

  • kwds – backend-specific keyword parameters.


a list of Event objects for enqueued kernels in case of PyOpenCL.

class grunnur.MultiDevice(*args)

A wrapper for a sequence of arguments where each should be passed to a separate device.

Static kernels

class grunnur.StaticKernel(queue, template_src, name, global_size, local_size=None, device_idxs=None, render_globals={}, constant_arrays={}, **kwds)

An object containing a GPU kernel with fixed call sizes.

The globals for the source template will contain an object with the name static of the type VsizeModules containing the id/size functions to be used instead of regular ones.

  • context – context to compile the kernel on.

  • template_src (Union[str, Callable[…, str], DefTemplate, Snippet]) – a string with the source code, or a Mako template source to render.

  • name (str) – the kernel’s name.

  • global_size (Union[int, Sequence[int]]) – the total number of threads (CUDA)/work items (OpenCL) in each dimension (column-major). Note that there may be a maximum size in each dimension as well as the maximum number of dimensions. See DeviceParameters for details.

  • local_size (Union[int, Sequence[int], None]) – the number of threads in a block (CUDA)/work items in a work group (OpenCL) in each dimension (column-major). If None, it will be chosen automatically.

  • device_idxs (Optional[Sequence[int]]) – a list of device numbers to compile on. If None, compile on all context’s devices.

  • render_globals (Dict) – a dictionary of globals to pass to the template.

  • constant_arrays (Mapping[str, Tuple[int, dtype]]) – (CUDA only) a dictionary name: (size, dtype) of global constant arrays to be declared in the program.


Execute the kernel. In case of the OpenCL backend, returns a pyopencl.Event object.

  • queue – the multi-device queue to use.

  • args – kernel arguments. Can be: Array objects, Buffer objects, numpy scalars.

set_constant_array(queue, name, arr)

Uploads a constant array to the context’s devices (CUDA only).

  • queue (Queue) – the queue to use for the transfer.

  • name (str) – the name of the constant array symbol in the code.

  • arr (Union[Array, ndarray]) – either a device or a host array.

queue: grunnur.queue.Queue

The queue this static kernel was compiled and prepared for.

sources: Dict[int, str]

Source files used for each device.

class grunnur.vsize.VsizeModules(local_id, local_size, group_id, num_groups, global_id, global_size, global_flat_id, global_flat_size, begin)

A collection of modules passed to grunnur.StaticKernel. Should be used instead of regular group/thread id functions.

begin: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the statement ${begin} that should be used at the start of a static kernel function.

global_flat_id: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${global_flat_id}() returning the global id of the current thread with all dimensions flattened.

global_flat_size: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${global_flat_size}(). returning the global size of with all dimensions flattened.

global_id: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${global_id}(int dim) returning the global id of the current thread.

global_size: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${global_size}(int dim) returning the global size along dimension dim.

group_id: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${group_id}(int dim) returning the group id of the current thread.

local_id: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${local_id}(int dim) returning the local id of the current thread.

local_size: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${local_size}(int dim) returning the size of the current group.

num_groups: grunnur.modules.Module

Provides the function VSIZE_T ${num_groups}(int dim) returning the number of groups in dimension dim.


class grunnur.Template(mako_template)

A wrapper for mako Template objects.

classmethod from_associated_file(filename)

Returns a Template object created from the file which has the same name as filename and the extension .mako. Typically used in computation modules as Template.from_associated_file(__file__).

Return type


classmethod from_string(template_source)

Returns a Template object created from source.


Returns the template def with the name name.

Return type


class grunnur.DefTemplate(name, mako_def_template, source)

A wrapper for Mako DefTemplate objects.

classmethod from_callable(name, callable_obj)

Creates a template def from a callable returning a string. The parameter list of the callable is used to create the pararameter list of the resulting template def; the callable should return the body of a Mako template def regardless of the arguments it receives.

Return type


classmethod from_string(name, argnames, source)

Creates a template def from a string with its body and a list of argument names.

Return type


render(*args, **globals_)

Renders the template def with given arguments and globals.

Return type


class grunnur.RenderError(exception, args, globals_, source)

A custom wrapper for Mako template render errors, to facilitate debugging.

exception: Exception

The original exception thrown by Mako’s render().

globals: dict

The globals used to render the template.

source: str

The source of the template.

class grunnur.Snippet(template, render_globals={})

Contains a source snippet - a template function that will be rendered in place, with possible context that can include other Snippet or Module objects.

Creates a snippet out of a prepared template.

  • template (DefTemplate) –

  • render_globals (Mapping) –

classmethod from_callable(callable_obj, name='_snippet', render_globals={})

Creates a snippet from a callable returning a string. The parameter list of the callable is used to create the pararameter list of the resulting template def; the callable should return the body of a Mako template def regardless of the arguments it receives.

  • callable_obj (Callable[…, str]) – a callable returning the template source.

  • name (str) – the snippet’s name (will simplify debugging)

  • render_globals (Mapping) – a dictionary of “globals” to be used when rendering the template.

Return type


classmethod from_string(source, name='_snippet', render_globals={})

Creates a snippet from a template source, treated as a body of a template def with no arguments.

  • source (str) – a string with the template source.

  • name (str) – the snippet’s name (will simplify debugging)

  • render_globals (Mapping) – a dictionary of “globals” to be used when rendering the template.

Return type


class grunnur.Module(template, render_globals={})

Contains a source module - a template function that will be rendered at root level, and the place where it was called will receive its unique identifier (prefix), which is used to prefix all module’s functions, types and macros in the global namespace.

Creates a module out of a prepared template.

  • template (DefTemplate) –

  • render_globals (Mapping) –

classmethod from_callable(callable_obj, name='_module', render_globals={})

Creates a module from a callable returning a string. The parameter list of the callable is used to create the pararameter list of the resulting template def; the callable should return the body of a Mako template def regardless of the arguments it receives.

The prefix will be passed as the first argument to the template def on render.

  • callable_obj (Callable[…, str]) – a callable returning the template source.

  • name (str) – the module’s name (will simplify debugging)

  • render_globals (Mapping) – a dictionary of “globals” to be used when rendering the template.

Return type


classmethod from_string(source, name='_module', render_globals={})

Creates a module from a template source, treated as a body of a template def with a single argument (prefix).

  • source (str) – a string with the template source.

  • name (str) – the module’s name (will simplify debugging)

  • render_globals (Mapping) – a dictionary of “globals” to be used when rendering the template.

Return type


Data type utilities

C interop


Returns an object that can be passed as a global to Program() and used to render a C equivalent of the given numpy dtype. If there is a built-in C equivalent, the object is just a string with the type name; otherwise it is a Module object containing the corresponding struct declaration.


If dtype is a struct type, it needs to be aligned (see ctype_struct() and align()).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type

Union[str, Module]

grunnur.dtypes.ctype_struct(dtype, ignore_alignment=False)

For a struct type, returns a Module object with the typedef of a struct corresponding to the given dtype (with its name set to the module prefix).

The structure definition includes the alignment required to produce field offsets specified in dtype; therefore, dtype must be either a simple type, or have proper offsets and dtypes (the ones that can be reporoduced in C using explicit alignment attributes, but without additional padding) and the attribute isalignedstruct == True. An aligned dtype can be produced either by standard means (aligned flag in numpy.dtype constructor and explicit offsets and itemsizes), or created out of an arbitrary dtype with the help of align().

If ignore_alignment is True, all of the above is ignored. The C structures produced will not have any explicit alignment modifiers. As a result, the the field offsets of dtype may differ from the ones chosen by the compiler.

Modules are cached, and the function returns a single module instance for equal dtype’s. Therefore inside a kernel it will be rendered with the same prefix everywhere it is used. This results in a behavior characteristic for a structural type system, same as for the basic dtype-ctype conversion.

  • dtype (Union[Type, dtype]) –

  • ignore_alignment (bool) –


As of numpy 1.8, the isalignedstruct attribute is not enough to ensure a mapping between a dtype and a C struct with only the fields that are present in the dtype. Therefore, ctype_struct will make some additional checks and raise ValueError if it is not the case.

Return type



Returns name of the constructor for the given dtype.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type


grunnur.dtypes.c_constant(val, dtype=None)

Returns a C-style numerical constant. If val has a struct dtype, the generated constant will have the form { ... } and can be used as an initializer for a variable.

  • val

  • dtype (Optional[dtype]) –

Return type



Returns a new struct dtype with the field offsets changed to the ones a compiler would use (without being given any explicit alignment qualifiers). Ignores all existing explicit itemsizes and offsets.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type


Struct helpers


Returns a string corresponding to the path to a struct element in C. The path is the sequence of field names/array indices returned from flatten_dtype().


path (List[Union[str, int]]) –

Return type



Returns a list of tuples (path, dtype) for each of the basic dtypes in a (possibly nested) dtype. path is a list of field names/array indices leading to the corresponding element.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type

List[Tuple[List[Union[str, int]], dtype]]

grunnur.dtypes.extract_field(arr, path)

Extracts an element from an array of struct dtype. The path is the sequence of field names/array indices returned from flatten_dtype().

  • arr (ndarray) –

  • path (List[Union[str, int]]) –

Return type


Data type checks and conversions


Numpy’s dtype shortcuts (e.g. numpy.int32) are type objects and have slightly different properties from actual numpy.dtype objects. This function converts the former to numpy.dtype and keeps the latter unchanged.


dtype (Union[Type, dtype]) –

Return type



Returns True if dtype is complex.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns True if dtype is double precision floating point.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns True if dtype is an integer.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns True if dtype is a real number (but not complex).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Wrapper for numpy.result_type() which takes into account types supported by GPUs.


dtypes (dtype) –

Return type


grunnur.dtypes.min_scalar_type(val, force_signed=False)

Wrapper for numpy.min_scalar_dtype() which takes into account types supported by GPUs.

If force_signed is True, a signed type will be returned even if val is positive.

Return type



Returns the data type of val.

Return type



Returns complex dtype corresponding to given floating point dtype.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns floating point dtype corresponding to given complex dtype.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns function that takes one argument and casts it to dtype.


dtype (dtype) –

Return type

Callable[[Any], Any]

Function modules

This module contains Module factories which are used to compensate for the lack of complex number operations in OpenCL, and the lack of C++ synthax which would allow one to write them.

grunnur.functions.add(*in_dtypes, out_dtype=None)

Returns a Module with a function of len(in_dtypes) arguments that adds values of types in_dtypes. If out_dtype is given, it will be set as a return type for this function.

This is necessary since on some platforms complex numbers are based on 2-vectors, and therefore the + operator for a complex and a real number works in an unexpected way (returning (a.x + b, a.y + b) instead of (a.x + b, a.y)).

  • in_dtypes (dtype) –

  • out_dtype (Optional[dtype]) –

Return type


grunnur.functions.cast(in_dtype, out_dtype)

Returns a Module with a function of one argument that casts values of in_dtype to out_dtype.

  • in_dtype (dtype) –

  • out_dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns a Module with a function of one argument that conjugates the value of type dtype (if it is not a complex data type, the value will not be modified).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type


grunnur.functions.div(dividend_dtype, divisor_dtype, out_dtype=None)

Returns a Module with a function of two arguments that divides a value of type dividend_dtype by a value of type divisor_dtype. If out_dtype is given, it will be set as a return type for this function.

  • dividend_dtype (dtype) –

  • divisor_dtype (dtype) –

  • out_dtype (Optional[dtype]) –

Return type



Returns a Module with a function of one argument that exponentiates the value of type dtype (must be a real or a complex data type).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type


grunnur.functions.mul(*in_dtypes, out_dtype=None)

Returns a Module with a function of len(in_dtypes) arguments that multiplies values of types in_dtypes. If out_dtype is given, it will be set as a return type for this function.

  • in_dtypes (dtype) –

  • out_dtype (Optional[dtype]) –

Return type



Returns a Module with a function of one argument that returns the 2-norm of the value of type dtype (product by the complex conjugate if the value is complex, square otherwise).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns a Module with a function of two arguments that returns the complex-valued rho * exp(i * theta) for values rho, theta of type dtype (must be a real data type).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type



Returns a Module with a function of one argument that returns a complex number exp(i * theta) == (cos(theta), sin(theta)) for a value theta of type dtype (must be a real data type).


dtype (dtype) –

Return type


grunnur.functions.pow(base_dtype, exponent_dtype=None, out_dtype=None)

Returns a Module with a function of two arguments that raises the first argument of type base_dtype to the power of the second argument of type exponent_dtype (an integer or real data type).

If exponent_dtype or out_dtype are not given, they default to base_dtype. If base_dtype is not the same as out_dtype, the input is cast to out_dtype before exponentiation. If exponent_dtype is real, but both base_dtype and out_dtype are integer, a ValueError is raised.

  • base_dtype (dtype) –

  • exponent_dtype (Optional[dtype]) –

  • out_dtype (Optional[dtype]) –

Return type


Virtual buffers

Often one needs temporary buffers that are only used in one place in the code, but used many times. Allocating them each time they are used may involve too much overhead; allocating real buffers and storing them increases the program’s memory requirements. A possible middle ground is using virtual allocations, where several of them can use the samy physical allocation. The virtual allocation manager will make sure that two virtual buffers that are used simultaneously (as declared by the user) will not share the same physical space.

class grunnur.virtual_alloc.VirtualManager(queue, pack_on_alloc=False, pack_on_free=False)

Base class for a manager of virtual allocations.

  • queue (Queue) – an instance of Queue.

  • pack_on_alloc (bool) – whether to repack allocations when a new allocation is requested.

  • pack_on_free (bool) – whether to repack allocations when an allocation is freed.


The allocators returned by this object must be used for arrays attached to the same queue.


Create a callable to use for Array creation.


dependencies – can be a Array instance (the ones containing persistent allocations will be ignored), an iterable with valid values, or an object with the attribute __virtual_allocations__ which is a valid value (the last two will be processed recursively).

Return type



Packs the real allocations possibly reducing total memory usage. This process can be slow and may synchronize the base queue.


Returns allocation statistics.

Return type


class grunnur.virtual_alloc.TrivialManager(*args, **kwds)

Trivial manager — allocates a separate buffer for each allocation request.

class grunnur.virtual_alloc.ZeroOffsetManager(*args, **kwds)

Tries to assign several allocation requests to a single real allocation, if dependencies allow that. All virtual allocations start from the beginning of real allocations.

class grunnur.virtual_alloc.VirtualAllocator(manager, dependencies)

A helper callable object to use as an allocator for Array creation. Encapsulates the dependencies (as identifiers, doesn’t hold references for actual objects).

class grunnur.virtual_alloc.VirtualAllocationStatistics(real_buffers, virtual_buffers)

Virtual allocation details.

real_num: int

The number of physical allocations.

real_size_total: int

The total size of physical allocations (in bytes).

real_sizes: Dict[int, int]

A dictionary size: count with the counts for physical allocations of each size.

virtual_num: int

The number of virtual allocations.

virtual_size_total: int

The total size of virtual allocations (in bytes).

virtual_sizes: Dict[int, int]

A dictionary size: count with the counts for virtual allocations of each size.

Kernel toolbox

There is a set of macros attached to any kernel depending on the API it is being compiled for:


If defined, specifies that the kernel is being compiled for CUDA API.


If defined, specifies that the kernel is being compiled for CUDA API.


If defined, specifies that the compilation for this kernel was requested with fast_math == True.


Synchronizes threads inside a block.


Modifier for a device-only function declaration.


Modifier for a kernel function declaration.


Modifier for a global memory pointer argument.


Modifier for a statically allocated local memory variable.


Modifier for a dynamically allocated local memory variable (CUDA only).


Modifier for a local memory argument in device-only functions.


Modifier for a statically allocated constant memory variable.


Modifier for a constant memory argument in device-only functions.


Modifier for inline functions.


The type of local/global IDs and sizes. Equal to unsigned int for CUDA, and size_t for OpenCL (which can be 32- or 64-bit unsigned integer, depending on the device).

SIZE_T get_local_id(unsigned int dim)
SIZE_T get_group_id(unsigned int dim)
SIZE_T get_global_id(unsigned int dim)
SIZE_T get_local_size(unsigned int dim)
SIZE_T get_num_groups(unsigned int dim)
SIZE_T get_global_size(unsigned int dim)

Local, group and global identifiers and sizes. In case of CUDA mimic the behavior of corresponding OpenCL functions.


The type of local/global IDs in the virtual grid. It is separate from SIZE_T because the former is intended to be equivalent to what the backend is using, while VSIZE_T is a separate type and can be made larger than SIZE_T in the future if necessary.


Used to specify an explicit alignment (in bytes) for fields in structures, as

typedef struct {
    char ALIGN(4) a;
    int b;