
Grunnur is an abstraction layer on top of PyCUDA/PyOpenCL. Its main purpose is to provide a uniform API for high-level GPGPU algorithms automating some common tasks.

Consider the following example, which is very similar to the one from the index page on PyCUDA documentation:

import numpy
from grunnur import any_api, Context, Queue, Program, Array

N = 256

context = Context.from_devices([any_api.platforms[0].devices[0]])
queue = Queue.on_all_devices(context)

program = Program(
    KERNEL void multiply_them(
        GLOBAL_MEM float *dest,
        GLOBAL_MEM float *a,
        GLOBAL_MEM float *b)
        const SIZE_T i = get_global_id(0);
        dest[i] = a[i] * b[i];

multiply_them = program.kernel.multiply_them

a = numpy.random.randn(N).astype(numpy.float32)
b = numpy.random.randn(N).astype(numpy.float32)
a_dev = Array.from_host(queue, a)
b_dev = Array.from_host(queue, b)
dest_dev = Array.empty(queue, a.shape, a.dtype)

multiply_them(queue, N, None, dest_dev, a_dev, b_dev)
print((dest_dev.get() - a * b == 0).all())

If you are familiar with PyCUDA or PyOpenCL, you will easily understand most of the the steps we have made here. The any_api object returns some API of the ones available (so, depending of whether PyOpenCL or PyCUDA are installed). More precise control over API is available via API discovery functions.

The abstraction from specific C interface of OpenCL or CUDA is achieved by using generic API module on the Python side, and special macros (KERNEL, GLOBAL_MEM, and others) on the kernel side.

The argument of Program constructor can also be a template, which is quite useful for metaprogramming, and also used to compensate for the lack of complex number operations in CUDA and OpenCL. Let us illustrate both scenarios by making the initial example multiply complex arrays. The template engine of choice in grunnur is Mako, and you are encouraged to read about it as it is quite useful. For the purpose of this example all we need to know is that ${python_expression()} is a synthax construction which renders the expression result.

import numpy
from numpy.linalg import norm
import grunnur.dtypes as dtypes
import grunnur.functions as functions
from grunnur import any_api, Context, Queue, Program, Array

context = Context.from_devices([any_api.platforms[0].devices[0]])
queue = Queue.on_all_devices(context)

N = 256
dtype = numpy.complex64

program = Program(
    context, """
    KERNEL void multiply_them(
        GLOBAL_MEM ${ctype} *dest,
        GLOBAL_MEM ${ctype} *a,
        GLOBAL_MEM ${ctype} *b)
      const SIZE_T i = get_global_id(0);
      dest[i] = ${mul}(a[i], b[i]);
        mul=functions.mul(dtype, dtype)))

multiply_them = program.kernel.multiply_them

r1 = numpy.random.randn(N).astype(numpy.float32)
r2 = numpy.random.randn(N).astype(numpy.float32)
a = r1 + 1j * r2
b = r1 - 1j * r2
a_dev = Array.from_host(queue, a)
b_dev = Array.from_host(queue, b)
dest_dev = Array.empty(queue, a.shape, a.dtype)

multiply_them(queue, N, None, dest_dev, a_dev, b_dev)
print(norm(dest_dev.get() - a * b) / norm(a * b) <= 1e-6)

Here we have passed two values to the template: ctype (a string with C type name), and mul which is a Module object containing a single multiplication function. The object is created by a function mul() which takes data types being multiplied and returns a module that was parametrized accordingly. Inside the template the variable mul is essentially the prefix for all the global C objects (functions, structures, macros etc) from the module. If there is only one public object in the module (which is recommended), it is a common practice to give it the name consisting just of the prefix, so that it could be called easily from the parent code.

For more information on modules, see Tutorial: modules and snippets; the complete list of things available in Grunnur can be found in API reference.